April 11, 2022
(Washington, D.C.)
Dick Heller has issued the following
statement on behalf of The Heller Foundation
The Heller Foundation announces a Formal Settlement with the city of Washington, DC in the Second Amendment challenge of their infringement on citizens’ Firearms-Freedom Civil Rights. Consequently, there was a small financial award to the foundation and the retraction of the unlawful restrictions.
The case was initially filed by George Lyon, Esq. and plaintiffs Dick Heller, Elby Godwin, and others, were told they could neither construct nor own a POLY-80 nor any other partial-polymer firearm kits,
the so-called “Ghost Guns,” within the DC city limits. Heller’s gun kit was forcibly return-shipped to the retailer, Stephen Bozich, President of www.BareArms.com in Robbins, NC.
The regulations, as they stand, would have also outlawed all police firearms and made individuals' possession of Glocks illegal. In a Free Country, paid for with the Blood of Patriots, citizens may construct a boat, airplane, or bow & arrow, or a firearm. However, even though residents of DC may purchase or own most types of firearms, they were not allowed, themselves, to construct a firearm within the city limits for private use in the defense of self or one’s household, or for any other lawful purposes.
More legal challenges to government’s overzealous and whimsical overreaching Infringements on our Second Amendment Rights are underway. Typical court challenges to these radical state infringements usually start in the $100,000 range. Patriots can support HellerGunCase.org (aka HellerFoundation.org). Losing these cases means we must prepare for the slow erosion of our Second Amendment Rights and for government confiscation of our guns.
Dick Heller, Founder & Director,
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
CASE FILED : September 15, 2021
(Supplied by… Langley Outdoor Acadamy)
THE BRIEF as filed in the DC Federal Court. . .
Attorney George Lyon. . . has filed for preliminary injunction on behalf of Dick Heller in his ghost gun case. This brief is a great piece of legal scholarship. And lays out well the reasons the ban in unconstitutional.
~ ~ Alan Beck, Esq.
Working with Arsenal Attorneys, this case is a push back by ordinary citizens against the Biden White House plans of Infringing on Citizens’ Rights to mfg. their own ATF - Legal 80% Kit Guns, labeled as “Ghost Guns” to promote an imagery of fear
to Resist the DC Attorney Gen. who has filed a lawsuit against Polymer80, Inc., a company that manufactures guns, for allegedly advertising and selling illegal ( whimsically determined ) guns to the District’s residents which Heller purchased but was not allowed to register.
ON WHAT AUTHORITY. . . do comrade legislators get to whimsically determine that…
one gun after another is illegal ?
In DC, FIRST it was ALL Firearms are illegal, then after that 2008 Magnificent Justice Scalia Decision (Heller-1) it was all AR’s & AK’s, then ALL “ Ten+ ” Magazines, then any rifle with a Pistol Grip were all contraband. . . .
The Pistol Grip of course being an element that helps the shooter to maintain better control of their machinery... makes it SAFER, less Collateral Damage. The DC left cares NOT about SAFETY nor Citizens’ Lives. Can you imagine a pistol not having a Pistol Grip ?? . . . a straight pipe like the original invention ? Our Rifles are Limited to that style in DC.
Formula for Loss of Freedom
Overpowering Govt
+ Dis-Armed population
+ Politically generated Hatred/Division
= TYRANNY of govt takeover. . . .
~ ~ Aaron Zelman (JPFO.org)
( How Close Are WE ? )
Save OUR Patriot Country !!
June 7, 2019, D-Day plus 1
Gun Owners of America (GOA), Heller Foundation, and our joint attorneys agreed in principle to
pursue a firearms case against more elements of the city gun bans of Washington, D. C.
June 8, 2019
A public announcement was made in Allentown, PA at the
Relic Hunter Firing Line Range 2-AM rally & picnic.
More details will be released when the Formal Complaint is filed.
In the Meantime, AMERICA’S FREEDOM depends on YOUR
going to our AMMO page and sending us a box… Monthly would be GREAT !!
The Brief to the DC Federal Court can be found on. . .
Put "HELLER" in the PROMO CODE box and 2nd Call Defense will
send you a rebate check of your first month's premium.
Gun Legal Insurance is like house ins.,
once you have it you'll never let it expire,
you don't wait until the Firetrucks arrive to start a policy.
Second Call Defense will steer you in the right direction to
get you the BEST 2-AM Attorney in your area and cover all expenses.
"Anyone can wave a flag, and
a Citizen's Minimum Duty to protect their Rights is to VOTE,
but a. . . . . .PATRIOT. . . is one who SUPPORTS their cause,
regularly." Choose to be a Super-Patriot !! ~ ~ D.H.