Heller 2


Hurdles 2 orig.png


D.C. vs. HELLER, the city council took the liberty of Whimsically placing 16 More Hurdles or Restrictions on residents.
Some courts have no use for the Constitution…

One United States District Court judge released a decision in which he summarily rejected the list of N.R.A. / HELLER II lawsuit Challenges to DC’s firearms Restrictions and Infringements.

The court finds, he said … the District’s tough gun registration laws and the gun control regulations passed in response to the 2008 D.C. vs. HELLER Landmark Supreme Court decision do “pass constitutional scrutiny.” “The city has crafted their gun controls in a constitutionally permissible manner,” U.S. District Judge James Boasberg wrote in an opinion likely to be appealed.

                         W O N

7.  NO Ballistics fingerprints,  all handguns -  (Found useless everywhere else.)
Struck Down (Heller 2)

10.  NO Driver-License Vision required - Rescinded (Heller 2)

13.  4 hrs. Classroom training --  Struck Down -  Replaced w/ 20 min. Safety Video
(Heller 2)

14.  One Hour Range Time - Struck Down… No Resistance from me on Range Time.
SAFETY First, (Heller 2)

                     L O S T

5.  AR’s & AK’s – OUTLAWED… along with all Cosmetically “Ugly Guns” (Heller 2)

8.  Limited to the CAL / MD / CONN  “APPROVED GUNS” Lists
Limits Product Choices & Availability (Heller 2)

12.  UZI… Just the Name !!  Totally outlawed, on anything !! (Heller 2)

15.  Notify Police Chief of any change of disposition… (loss, sale, theft, etc.) (Heller 2)

16.  Running dialogue with Police Chief of  any Changing Uses / Status (Biz, Home, Location Change)  of a H/G (Heller 2)

+   Must Still be Fingerprinted & Photographed,  as are Criminals (Heller 2)
